Cold water immersion

Frequently asked questions


What is cold water immersion?

Cold Water Immersion (CWI) is a form of cold-water therapy, which improves the natural recovery process of the human body. A well-known type of CWI is taking ice baths in water temperatures ranging from 39-60 degrees F. Anything below 60 degrees F provides benefits.


What are the benefits of cold water immersion?

  • Improve muscle recovery.
  • Increase energy levels.
  • Boosts mood.
  • Improve focus.
  • Reduces pain and inflammation.
  • Improves sleep.
  • Relieves stress.
  • Supports immune function.
  • Enhances performance.


How do you keep the plunge tub clean?

The Plunge tub has a comprehensive filtration system that includes a 3-layer filtration system: an ozone filter, a UV filter, and a 5-micron water filter. The ozone filter neutralizes contaminants and cleans the water by removing things like hydrogen sulfide, manganese, iron, viruses, and bacteria. It causes them to become unstable and break down. This is a great alternative to using chlorine as it's more environmentally friendly and just as effective. The UV filter works by inactivating contaminants. UVC light has a particular wavelength that disrupts the DNA of microorganisms, which stops them from multiplying. It works on things like bacteria, E. coli, and viruses. Finally, the micron filter catches larger unwanted particles like sediment and hair. All three filters work to keep the water amazingly clean and pure! The main filter and the water are changed out regularly as an additional layer of protection.


Are there any contraindications to using cold water immersion?

Someone who has abnormal or altered skin sensation should avoid CWI. Anyone who has impaired circulation has an impaired circulation has an increased risk of tissue damage from vasoconstriction and should avoid use. No one should use the plunge tub with open wounds/broken shin. Anyone who has hypersensitivity to cold, such as Raynaud's phenomenon, cold urticaria, cryoglobulinemia, and paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria should not use CWI. In rare cases CWI can provoke cardiac arrest or arrythmia, so anyone with angina pectoris or other severe cardiac disease should avoid using CWI. Anyone with epilepsy or a history of seizures should avoid CWI. Alcohol consumption during CWI increases the risk of hypotension, arrhythmia, and sudden death, and should be avoided.


How long do I need to stay in the tub to see the benefits?

If you're a beginner, you may need to start with 30 seconds to 1 minute if that’s what you’re comfortable with and work your way up to 2 to 5 minutes.


How often should I practice cold water immersion?

This is dependent on what your goals are. If you are using it for recovery after a long race, game or any physical exertion, then it is best to do it as soon as your activity is complete. If you are interested in using CWI for mental wellness or meditation, then daily use in the first part of the day is recommended.

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